Friday, April 11, 2014

Flipping Bees

What should I be doing to manage my bees?  
Flip hives, like any good BBC drama, it's time for upstairs to become downstairs, clean off the bottom boards of all the dead bees, debris, and bits of uncapping wax.  
It always makes me a bit nervous as this is the time of the year where starving can occur.
  I prefer when the overwintered hive is in the top box and I can see them when I open the lid.
Now they are moved to the bottom to allow for brood rearing.  
Keep buzzing girls so I know you're alive.
I've also fed them supplemental pollen patties even though I've seen pollen loads coming in.  
Time for a little supplemental syrup as well.
How can you not love this amazing creature?

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